Sciency Stuff

The science of ergonomics is behind Groove Grips shape and is backed by thousands of hours of in-game testing, shape improvements, surface detailing and early user feedback.  We have finalized on what we feel is the optimal grip design. Matching the human anatomy (thumb shape) with the exsisting controllers has now happened.

Skiiers/Snowboarders have form fitted boots, NFL has form fitted helmets, race car drivers and gamers have form fitted seats, scuba divers have form fitted masks, so why not your controller grip?


Groove Grips’ ergonomic design achieves maximum performance by cradling the thumb and giving the gamers the best possible performance, taking their Game play to the Next Level!  We say, “LEVEL UP” with Groove Grips..

It is the point of contact between human and machine. It is where the rubber meets the road as they say. This connection is incredibly important and almost seems as though it was overlooked in the creation of gaming controllers. The more intimate the connection, results in a more intimate connection with the overall gaming experience. Being able to move the thumbs in a more relaxed manner is ‘next level’ gaming! Try some today and we think you will agree.

Groove Grips’ patented design cradles the thumbs providing maximum comfort and control.

Compatible controllers:
PlayStation 4 & 5
Xbox One and Series S & X
Nintendo Switch Pro

Groove Grips are the perfect fit for the thumbs and the controller.

How do Groove Grips increase accuracy? Your thumbs don’t slip.


Groove Grips patented design and unique material formulation cradles the thumbs and provides grip for extra traction, allowing added performance to take your gaming to the NEXT LEVEL.
The Groove shape is the main difference when it comes to a thumb’s interaction vs. existing ‘mushroom’ shaped controller grips.  

The Perfect fit

Science behind the hand

Flexion of the the thumb is performed by two major muscles: flexor pollicis longus, that flexes the interphalangeal joint and the flexor pollicis brevis, that flexes the first metacarpophalangeal joint.  Thumb extension and abduction occur due to extensor and abductor pollicis longus, extensor and abductor pollicis brevis.  Opposition occurs due to the opponens pollicis while the abduction is performed by abductor pollicis.

Thumb Muscles

The thumb moves differently from the other fingers due to its unique bone structure and dedicated set of muscles. These muscles allow you to use your thumb independently and make it able to oppose the position of the fingers. However, like the fingers, there are intrinsic and extrinsic thumb muscles. Extrinsic thumb muscles are the flexor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus and brevis, and the abductor pollicis longus. The intrinsic thumb muscles are located in the thenar eminence, the meaty portion of your hand between your thumb and wrist. These muscles include the opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis and adductor pollicis.
• The thumb moves differently from the other fingers due to its unique bone structure and dedicated set of muscles. • The intrinsic thumb muscles are located in the thenar eminence, the meaty portion of your hand between your thumb and wrist.

Lateral Movement

Precise and Smooth lateral movement of the thumbs is crucial for Next Level Gaming. Reducing grip pressure, slipping from sweat and downward force reduces thumb muscle use and hand / thumb fatigue. Groove Grips offer a unique and proprietary form fitting ‘groove’ shape for the thumbs to rest IN.  The feel and comfort are immediate. 

We liken the difference incomfort & control to riding a horse withouta saddle or playing basketball in flip-flops vs. sneakers.  Gaming chairs for your thumbs???  Exactly!!!

Get Yours Today

Ventura, California 93004.  (805) 323-6259

Copyright Groove Grips 2024